Fiestas in Comunitat Valenciana
If there is one thing the Valencia region is truly famous for, apart from the exceptional food, it is without doubt the great number of fiestas held throughout the year. An innumerable variety of both religious and profane fetes take place in every and each area of the region resulting in huge celebrations and gaiety. It is during these fiestas that Comunitat Valenciana reveals its true liveliness and colorfulness. In this brief article we will acquaint you with some of the major and most popular fiestas of the region.
Las Fallas – València
This marvelous fiesta takes place between March 1st and March 19th in Valencia. Combining the local tradition with art and satire, it definitely is one of a kind. In this time, grotesque, allegorical and satirical sculptures fill every corner of the city portraying the Valencian sense of art and humor. Great number of ninots, as the sculptures are called, arise only to be burnt the final night with great hilarity. The celebration of Las Fallas originated from the tradition of ancient carpenters who would burn left-over wooden pieces as a celebration of the up-coming spring time. Later on, they started to decorate their sculptures with rags and that’s how the concept of ninots was born. Very soon, Las Fallas turned into one of the major celebrations of the year and some of the sculptures today have cost estimate worth millions of euros. Las Fallas are meant to be appreciated with all the 5 senses as the streets of Valencia overflow with both traditional and modern music, tons of fireworks, street-food stands and emotional religious acts.
La Magdalena – Castellón
La Magdalena de Castellón is one of the most important fetes of the city when many different cultural and social activities take place. Loads of open-air concerts, pyrotechnical and animation shows, parades of illuminated allegorical carriages and street-food feasts invade the streets for one week in March (although the specific date varies each year).
Moros y Cristianos – Alcoy
This picturesque celebration reminds of the clashes between the Cristians and Moors during the so called reconquista period (the period of re-conquering of the Iberian peninsula by the Cristian armies between 718 and 1492). Each and every city celebrates the fiesta in different time, although the most well-known one – which is held in Alcoy – takes place between the end of April and May. In this time locals dress-up as Christian and Moor troops and parade accompanied by music and fireworks through the city to symbolize the encounter of the two armies.
Las Hogueras – Alicante
Every year between June 20th and 24th, the fete of Las Hogueras or Fogueres de Sant Joan take place in the city of Alicante in order to welcome the summer season in the way it deserves. The beautiful beaches lighten-up by fire and pyrotechnics is the ultimate spectacle.
Corpus Christi – València
Far away from being a mere Catholic festivity, the celebration of Corpus Christi known as Fiesta Grande (the Great Fete) is a fusion of the festive, symbolic, metaphorical and religious spirit of Valencian society. Its origins date back to the 1263 and it is held annually between July 11th and 14th. During these four days, the city submerge in the mystical atmosphere with many traditional costumes, music, dance and other live performances, solemn parades, procession of horse-drawn carriages known as Las Rocas and more.
Gran Fira de València
Throughout the month of June, the city of València livens up with color and rhythm while offering a countless number of different cultural, social and festive activities and events, such as open-air concerts of different genres, fireworks, art exhibitions, the night when all of the museums stay open until the dawn and many more. The whole fete ends with the spectacular Batalla de Flores (the battle of flowers) which takes place on the last Sunday and that leaves the city streets covered with glorious colorful carpet of flowers and blossoms.
La Tomatina – Buñol
On the last Thursday in August, the inconspicuous townlet of Buñol turns into a true battlefield with one of the most famous fiestas of all – La Tomatina. Celebrating the local product, the streets fill with hundreds of people ready to launch into the greatest tomato fight of the year after which the town square is left completely covered in tomato debris. The battle usually lasts for about an hour and requires about hundred tons of tomatoes.
Fiesta de la Vendimia – Requena
During the last week of August and first days of September, the quiet town of Requena sparkle with liveliness. Fiesta de la Vendimia originated in 1948 as a tribute to the local vine production and vintage which helped the city overcome the crisis after the WWII. In the course of the celebration, the streets are packed with activities of all kind – sports, concerts, feasts and local wine degustations.
Fiesta del Arroz (Firraròs) – Sueca
This fiesta is held annually between the first and the second week of September and, similarly to the case of Requena or Buñol, is dedicated to the local most important commodity: the rice. The most important part of the fiesta is Concurs Internacional de Paella Valenciana, a culinary contest in which the world chefs compete in cooking the most authentic Valencian paella.